About Me

I am a Software Engineer working at Wolfjaw Studios helping build and enhance online game services. I have worked in various parts of the game industry for 6 years with experience ranging from designing and implementing new gameplay mechanics, to building game engines and online backend systems.

I began interning at Aloft Studio, advancing my game development career. There, I was responsible for the development of Sticks and Starships, Running with Scissors, and Hazelnut Bastille. I spent most of my career researching and developing game engines, creating and implementing gameplay mechanics, and designing and engineering innovative backend game service solutions. I have a strong aptitude for programming in C++, Python, C#, and Java. I helped lead small teams of developers and artists to design and create incredibly feature rich and fun packed games for players to enjoy.

I later moved to Wolfjaw Studios where I transitioned into online services working as a consultant for other game studios, where I primarily worked on enhancing the backend infrastructure of the 2K NBA franchise. I helped design and implement backend gaming service libraries, and helped maintain and extend their online services for players worldwide. You can find pictures of all my game development work on my portfolio page.

If you have any questions or opportunities you would like to discuss, feel free to reach out at adalet.mujkic@gmail.com!

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